Matthau Mikojan presents a talented and skilled songwriter who lacks no ambition.
Mikojan shows on his first solo album that he really knows how to write catchy guitar riffs. The vocals are also done with care and his voice goes well on both more calm and heavier parts. The first single ”Stiletto Heels” surprised many with its echo drum sounds and twanging guitar.
Mikojan has played all the instruments on the album apart from the drums which were played by Simo Stenman. Mikojan, Stenman and producer Antti Suomalainen (a.k.a Lex Luthor) started recording the album in September 2007 in Cosmic-studios in Tampere, Finland.
Matthau Mikojan has also put up a live band in which plays the studio drummer Stenman & bassist Teemu Broman. The band is already touring around Finland, so the album material can also be heard live. This is something that you just CAN’T miss!
Simo Stenman - drums
Name: Simo, Simon, Skenis, Kiitäjä...ask the guys of Day Eleven.
Instrument: Drums. Played the drums on the record and also beats the shit out of the drums in the live tour line-up.
Other bands: The Bitterlicks, Soirona plays Nirvana.
Idols: John Bonham, Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins. Glenn Quagmire.
Listens to: Led Zeppelin, The Hellacopters, Queens of the stoneage, Turbonegro, Rolling Stones, Guns N' Roses, Backyard babies, Mockshot, Day Eleven and lots more...
Eats: Steaks, pastas, chinese food, burgers, almost anything...
Drinks: Beer, cider, various shots, long island ice tea, white russians...
Favourite quote; Definition of drumming: "You're using your whole body to make expressive music. It's like the best night of dancing and fucking ever." - D.G. -
Teemu Broman - bass
I saw Kiss on TV when I was seven. At that moment I decided that I wanna be a rock star and play bass. After school I toured Finland for 15 years with Topi Sorsakoski and A. Aallon Rytmiorkesteri. Since then I´ve been mostly playing cover gigs with coverbands (Lenny Kravitz, Iron Maiden and of course Kiss). Besides Matthau I currently play on rock musical Vuonna 85 in Tampere which also includes songs written by Matthau´s and Sir Christus´ father. Small world.